Wanaka Community Hub Timeline
2023 December
The final payment on the Diocese Loan was made. At Year end, after 4 years, 1 month and a lot of hard work, there was no long-term debt remaining.
2023 September
A Tesla Battery Bank was installed to complement the 60 Solar Panels that were installed as part of the initial build. This helped to future proof The Hub in the case of power outages, as well as enable us to run more sustainably.
2023 April
Yeverley McCarthy resigned as Chairperson of the Trust and Sharon Burns was elected to replace her.
2023 March
We received a Grant from NZ Lotteries which was applied to Employee wage Costs as an offset. This enabled us to reduce the recharges to our permanent leases. The final payment to the QLDC for Development Levy was made (1/3 of $41,400).
2023 February
Sharon Burns resigned as Manager and came onto the Board as a Trustee. Alicia Jaiko was promoted to replace Sharon as Manager. Jan Ballam’s role increased, and Marieke Miller was employed.
2022 December
The Dunedin Diocese loan balance was reduced to $75,000 by year end.
2022 July
The QLDC loan of $500,000 was converted to a Grant. A lot of time and effort was spent updating our governance and strategic plan.
2022 March
We received a Grant from NZ Lotteries which was applied to Employee wage costs as an offset.
2021 March
Gina Treadwell resigned as Manager and Sharon Burns was appointed as her replacement. We also received a Grant from NZ Lotteries which was applied to Employee wage costs as an offset.
2020 November
Our major fundraiser, the very successful “House and Garden Tour” made over $58,000.
2020 September
QLDC loaned the Hub $500,000, which enabled The Hub to pay off our Angel Funders. We also received major donations of over $264,000 which helped reduce the Diocese loan to $200,000.
2020 May
Alicia Jaiko was employed as a Booking Coordinator and Jan Ballam was employed as Receptionist for the Hub.
2019 December
At year end, The Hub had over $1,000,000 in Debt (Anglican Diocese of Dunedin $500,000 and Angel Funders $500,000).
2019 November
Dame Sukhi Turner resigned as Chairperson of the Trust and Yeverley McCarthy QSM, was appointed as her replacement. Gina Treadwell was appointed Manager of the Hub.
2020 November
The Wanaka Community Hub celebrates one year of being open! It has been a tough year with Covid-19, but we are thrilled to now have over 30 full and part time tenants using the building.
2019 November
On Saturday November 2nd the offical opening of this wonderful new Community Hub was held. At the time of opening 14 full and part time tenants were confirmed.
2019 September
Trust still actively fundraising for the last $800,000. Building really starting to take shape and landscaping commencing.
2019 April
Arrow went into Liquidation. Trust decides to "go it alone". Fundraising is going ahead to continue the drive for donations and support.
2019 February
Major fundraising initiative to raise the remaining $1m needed.
2018 September
Blessing of the site and construction commenced.
2018 June
Tenders received and Arrow International appointed. Lotteries Commission made a grant of $700,000.
2018 March
Central Lakes Trust and the Otago Community Trust have announced a $2.1 million funding boost
2017 June
Workshop held with Interested tenants to garner further feedback on detailed drawings
2017 April – May
Expressions of interest sent to tenants
2017 February
Detailed drawings commenced, Building committee meeting fortnightly
2016 December
Resource Consent granted
2016 September
October Mediation
2016 June
Resource Consent appealed
2016 May
Resource Consent granted
2015 September
Resource Consent application first lodged
MSD capability funding awarded for preparations around strategic governance, operational management and collaboration
2014 May
Draft concept plans presented to the Church and WCH and ACDT Trusts
2014 January
Sarah Scott Architect (Condon Scott Architects) engaged to design new plans, initially concept drawings
2013 December
An application approved by Central Lakes Trust for $195,970 towards pre-construction costs
Tenders out to Architects with a revised and updated design brief
2013 September
Full feasibility report received from Arrow Strategy confirming that the Community House is both feasible and achievable on the Church site.
2013 June
Public Community House workshops held facilitated by Margy-Jean Malcom. Development of draft vision and values. Exploring of different governance models.
2013 March
Funding received from CLT to tie together all the work completed to date, to fill in some gaps and to gain an outside perspective.
2013 January
An update of the demand analysis for the facility completed
Comment on the planning / rule framework
2012 August
Review of Parking layout, Abley transportation consultants
2011 December
The Wanaka Community House Charitable Trust (WCHCT) was formed
Preliminary report on the concept for Resource consent approval?
Work completed to set up a Trust to further the project.
On the recommendation of the Project Group and in order to achieve the widest possible parishioner consensus, St. Columba’s committee resolves to hold a full day workshop on the 14th August 2010 to enable those opposed to the project to present their views and bring forward whatever alternative proposals they may have to offer.
2010 February/March
Appeal for pledges of funding support from St. Columba’s parishioners yields a total of $97,950. 00 in pledges from a total of 27 parishioners.
2009 December
Project approved by Diocesan Council and Dunedin Diocesan Trust Board.
2009 November
Project approved by Upper Clutha Parish Vestry.
2009 November
Feasibility report presented to St Columba’s Special General Meeting. 32 in attendance. Secret ballot held. By a majority of 28 to 4 the meeting resolved to approve the Feasibility report and authorized the Project Group to implement the action plan as contained in the report
A detailed Feasibility Study completed
Ongoing feasibility assessment process including media releases, public meetings, (12 Aug) prospective user surveys and interviews, discussions with potential stakeholders, researching funders and consent issues etc.
2009 August
Community Networks Wanaka signs Memorandum of Intended User of proposed community house.
2009 June
Megan Williams contracted to facilitate project feasibility assessment
Deidre Nagel from Bishop’s Action Foundation [Waikato Diocese] visits. Currently involved in Stratford with a project almost identical to St Columba’s.
Special General Meeting of St. Columba’s community directs the Project Group to undertake a feasibility assessment of the Salmond Architecture.
2008 December
Presentation of concept design to St. Columba’s community
5 architect firms invited to submit expressions of interest. Interviews conducted and brief awarded to Wanaka’s Salmond Architecture.
Project Group conducts ongoing consultation with the Diocese, Wanaka Community Board; QLDC; and Community Networks.
2008 June/July
Formal consultation with St. Columba’s community. 18 written submissions received and collated.
2008 March
Project Group established.
Church receives anonymous donation of $50,000.00 earmarked for funding the bringing together of plan of a new church/hall and/or such other facilities as appropriate for the future use of the church on its existing Wanaka site.
The Anglican Church championed of the construction of a Community House. They propose to donate a portion of their land on McDougall Street to the project, on a long-term lease basis.
QLDC commissioned a report which identified over 65 community support type organisations and agencies servicing the Upper Clutha, and the burgeoning demand for an integrated community house facility in Wanaka.