
Who runs the Hub?


The Hub is run by the Wanaka Community House Trust. The Trustees meet monthly with an annual AGM. See Trustee tab in this website for further details about the Trustees.
The Hub is managed by Gina Treadwell, Hub Manager. She can be contacted by email : manager@wanakacommunityhub.org.nz


What funds still need to be raised


This much needed, new facility cost $3.95 million to build. The Trust has raised $3.1m to date. Currently we have a debt of $800,000. We are applying to a number of organisations for grants but still very much need the help of the community to fund this remaining debt. For every dollar we can raise now we reduce our overdraft costs, and can therefore further grow the offering of the Community Hub for all residents.
Donations can be made by internet banking- our account details are: 031369-0408975-00.
We sincerely appreciate anything you can donate and will provide a donation tax certificate for all donations.


What does the Community Hub do?


The Wanaka Community Hub is a central facility for all the community to access, for all sorts of activities. The building houses over 25 social support organisations all operating in a co-operative and supportive environment. These organisations provide integrated social services together in a hub for the whole community.
As well as this the Hub has offices, meeting room spaces, a commercial kitchen and an auditorium seating 150 all available for hire.This Hub is a real first for Wanaka and since opening has surpassed all expectations of usage.